Friday, November 7, 2008

BMW 2010 X1

It is expected that BMW has movement in his mini SUV BMW X1 for 2010. The vehicle based on the Series 1 is to look at the popular Toyota Rav4 (although a step above, as is assumed in the case of BMW).

Diharapkan BMW telah bergerak di mini SUV BMW X1 untuk tahun 2010. Kendaraan berbasis Seri 1 terlihat seperti Toyota Rav4 yang terkenal (meskipun langkah di atas, seperti yang diasumsikan dalam kasus BMW).

The BMW X1 uses the drive system of permanent his older brother and the BMW X3 engine available for BMW Series 1, with four six-cylinder engines to gasoline ranging from 145 to 220 horsepower and diesel engines ranging from 135 to 231 horses. It is expected to include various electronic aids such as stability control, descent, distribution dynamics of braking force, traction control and possibly active steering. But do not expect suspension of air.

BMW X1 menggunakan sistem drive permanen itu sperti kakaknya mesin BMW X3 tersedia untuk BMW Seri 1, dengan empat enam silinder mesin bensin mulai dari 145 ke 220 daya kuda dan mesin diesel mulai dari 135 ke 231 kuda. Diharapkan untuk memasukkan berbagai elektronik seperti kontrol stabilitas , turunan, distribusi dinamika pengereman mendadak, kontrol tarik dan kemampuan aktif steering . Tapi jangan berharap suspensi udara.

With a more tied to a wagon at a high SUV, the BMW X1 will grow 250 mm in height on his brother Hatchback of 1,680 mm. The long for its part will be around 4,350 mm. The weighing around 1,535 kg, 200 less than the BMW X3 2.0i. The expected addition of roof three options: two conventional sunroofs, a panoramic glass roof tinted targa or a model with removable panels.

Dengan lebih mirip wagon tapi setinggi SUV, BMW X1 akan lebih tingg 250 mm daripada saudara Hatchback dari 1.680 mm. Yang panjang sekitar 4.350 mm. Yang beratnya sekitar 1.535 kg, kurang dari 200 BMW X3 2.0i. Atap tiga pilihan: dua sunroofs konvensional, atap kaca panorama yang berwarna targa atau model dengan removable panel.

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